my mission...
LOVE. At the end of the day this is what we came here for. To figure out how to love ourselves. For me, the discovery of my voice and its ability to help and heal both myself and others has been my greatest teacher.
Along the way I've sang for some heavies. From 3 Moby albums (one for David Lynch), to a 3 year gig at a spot Jay-Z was silent partner of (Darby NYC). Then discovered my depths as a Songwriter and Lightworker during a six year dance party residency at the McKittrick Hotel (home of Sleep No More). I've shone on some of the greatest stages, Lincoln Center (featured alongside the likes of Mavis Staples and The Roots), Radio City... Performed for heads of state both international and domestic. I've sang for and conversed with more famous people than I can count. But they were just people. The one constant was always Love, and hugs, and a desire to Heal...and Feel...
Most people who know me know I'm not from here. Neither are you. We're all masquerading in our skin suits. Awakening to our Superhumanity at different rates. Our purpose? LOVE, which we access through SELF-LOVE. And I have just arrived people!!! Me and the Aztec 6th Sun this 2021. I've reached the tipping point of self-love where there is no part of myself deemed unworthy by me. Hallelujah! FINALLY♡
My mission is to use my special gifts to Encode this planet with Love. Let's GLOW! (((:D